Thinking about video marketing? Don’t overlook your greeting. Introduce yourself and your business before getting to your content. As you end the video, be friendly and reiterate who you are and the name of your business to help viewers remember. Your video should contain useful and valuable information. The point of making videos is to gain a stronger customer base. You need to provide viewers with a good reason to finish watching your video and share with others. That can be done through useful content.
YouTube has excellent editing features. For example, you have the capability to put annotations in your video. This could be a great way to share a link, some additional information about the product you are demonstrating or even a coupon code. Produce a video on a routine basis to attract more visitors to your site. If you prefer, you can also create an entire series of videos. Talk about all aspects of your business to cover all the bases.
There is an optimal length for a successful video marketing clip which is ten seconds or ten minutes or longer? This will depend on the types of videos you are creating. This is a great debate but generally, you want to be as brief as possible if you are producing a promotional video that sells a service or product. Try to stay within the one minute to one and a half minute length. Beyond this, you run the risk of losing someone’s attention. The more you can condense your point without losing information, the more likely viewers are to remember what you’ve said and shared it with others. Your target market, as well as your service, should be considered when making this determination. These factors should strongly influence the approach you take with all marketing videos for your business.
Embedding the video on a web page will ensure that you also feature a submission form that will allow interested parties to subscribe to your newsletter or mailing list. If people want to learn more about a product, they can sign up for your mailing list.
Make as many videos as you can. When you are consistently uploading new videos, viewers will look forward to seeing them each time they go to your channel. You include (video) discussions about an array of related subjects with your newly expanded audience.
Do you now understand the benefits of video marketing? If you feel confident, take the next step and use video marketing to help get your products out to more customers. Action trumps perfection so get started.